This policy sets out information about our use of Cookies on our website.
"We" or "us" means Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Ltd (registered company number 04124350.
Our registered address is Unit 2a Long Rock Industrial Estate, Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall, England, TR20 8HX.
“Website” means
We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a data controller under number ZB066047.
If you wish to contact us, please click here.
What is a cookie?
A ‘cookie’ is a type of data file that is stored on your device when you visit a website or perform actions while visiting a website. A cookie file contains information that is transferred to your device’s memory which is recalled when you revisit our site, or when you perform certain actions on your device. Where we refer to a cookie in this policy, this incorporates similar tracking technologies.
Necessary Cookies
When you first visit our website, we only use necessary cookies. This means that additional cookies (called “Optional Cookies” in this policy) won’t be used unless you agree to accept/enable all cookies, or select your own cookie preferences.
Optional Cookies
Optional cookies are used for analytical, performance, advanced functionality and advertising purposes. More information is set out in this policy. Optional cookies help us improve our website and we believe accepting all optional cookies provides you with the best user experience.
Cookies can be "First Party", i.e. set by us, or "Third Party", i.e. placed on your device by another organisation when you visit our website. Third-party cookies may be placed on your device by an organisation providing a service to us or by our business partners, so that they can advertise products and services to you on our website and elsewhere on the internet. Because of how cookies work, our website cannot access third-party cookies stored from other websites; nor can other organisations access the data in the cookies we use on our website.
Changing your preferences
You can select to accept/enable some or all of the optional cookies either within the settings of your own device or by selecting the option provided on our website.
How long will cookies stay on my device?
The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a "persistent" or "session" cookie. Session cookies should expire when you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your device until they expire after a set period or are deleted. For each of the cookies used on our website we have set out the duration in the tables below.
The Cookies we use on our website
Necessary Cookies
Necessary Cookies are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that allow page navigation or enable you to access certain areas of our website. Our website cannot function properly without these cookies. Necessary Cookies can only be disabled by changing your browser preferences but doing so may result in reduced or limited functionality of our website. In some circumstances our website may cease to function as intended if necessary cookies are disabled, deleted or otherwise altered. We do not accept any liability for any loss arising where necessary cookies are disabled, deleted or otherwise altered. We use the following necessary cookies:
Cookie Name |
Purpose |
Controller |
Further Information |
Cookie identifies the unique session state.
Our Cookie
Cookie destroyed at the end of the session.
Cookie is an anti-forgery token designed to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website.
Our Cookie
Cookie destroyed at the end of the session.
Cookie indicates if the user has silenced the cookie policy notification popup.
Our Cookie
Cookie is retained for 366 days from creation.
3rd party Google cookies used to provide the Google Map Service on the contact us page.
Third party
SID, SAPISID, APISID, SSID, HSID, NID, PREF Various unique identifiers, except for PREF which stores your options such as preferred zoom level. Most of the cookies expire 10 years after your last visit to a page containing a Google Map.
Optional Cookies
We and third parties like to use cookies on this website to enhance your user experience, personalise content and advertisements, provide social media features, and analyse the traffic/visitor actions on our website. Optional cookies help us to provide you with the experience we intend to provide when you browse our website and also allow us to improve our website and the service we provide.
We need to obtain your consent to use Optional cookies; this is usually by way of a pop-up notice. As set out in this policy, you can change your preference at any time
Cookie Name |
Purpose |
Controller |
Further Information (including duration of cookie) |
Advanced functionality, Analytics and Performance
We use advanced functionality cookies to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).
We use analytical/performance cookies to enable us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors use our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
We would like to use the following optional advanced functionality, analytics and performance cookies:
Cookie Name |
Purpose |
Controller |
Further Information (including duration of cookie) |
We and third parties want to display adverts that we think are relevant to you. In order to do so we need your consent to use advertising cookies. Even if you do not accept our advertising cookies, where you have accepted advertising cookies on another website they may remain active on our website. [You can configure the advertisement vendors that place cookies on your device using the preference tool on our website. This only applies if you allow granular control over advertisement cookies]
We use the following advertising cookies:
Cookie Name |
Purpose |
Controller |
Further Information (including duration of cookie) |
Social Media Cookies
We use social media cookies to allow you to share our website (or parts of it) on social media.
These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies. Please note that our social media partners may also use cookies over which we have no control and if you have consented to the use of those cookies elsewhere, as they are on your device without your consent, those cookies will be active. We cannot prevent this. To control the use of these cookies, you will need to contact the controller of that cookie.
We use the following social media platforms: